Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Summer Sizzles

Well, I'm doing a little better on posting since it's only been a month and a half instead of two or more years!  I am still surrounded by boxes, both in my office and at home.  I have moved.  I am now back in Augusta, Georgia.  I was here five years ago.

This moving thing is for the birds.  Well, that, and the fact that I still have entirely too much stuff!  Seriously.  I really did get rid of quite a few things for this move and yet, I am still burdened by all these things.  And it truly is a burden. 

As I have been unpacking and putting things away, I can't help but think back to where I was just a little over a year ago.  Cape Cod!  What a wonderful, wonderful place.  It was on my bucket list for literally decades.  I had wanted to go there for the longest time.  I finally made it.  And now I'm thinking back on how special it was.
This was the view from the deck of my house that I rented last year.  To the right, at night, I could see the lights of Provincetown way off in the distance. To the left, I could see around from Sandwich toward Plymouth.  This is Cape Cod Bay.  The sounds, the seagulls, the skies, the sunsets...all were so glorious and so relaxing.  It helps to picture myself there now, instead of seeing myself buried in piles of boxes and stuff and things.

I hope this summer is a time when I can find the energy and the determination to jettison some of the stuff and things, whether they are tangible or not, that are a burden on my life.  May it be so with you, too.  May we rid ourselves of the things holding us down or holding us back.